The gospel gives us hope for the future, both for our lives here on earth, and for souls that have passed into the beyond. Jesus’ teaching, as proclaimed in the New Apostolic Church, shows what is made possible by grace through Christ’s sacrifice: redemption from sin and reconciliation with God. This teaching offers counsel and direction, but the responsibility for any decisions rests squarely upon the individual. In sickness and other sorrows, faith gives a person strength to accept their situation, to recognise that God has permitted it and that life is worth living.
Faith in God leads to a conscious desire to live according to God’s will. New Apostolic Christians recognise and experience God as the gracious and kind Heavenly Father. They cultivate their relationship with God through intensive and trusting prayer, individually as well as in the family and in the congregation.
The New Apostolic Creed
The fundamental principles of our beliefs are contained in ten “Articles of Faith”; the Creed of the New Apostolic Church. In accordance with early Christian creeds, the first three Articles of Faith largely correspond to the Apostles’ Creed. They emphasise the significance of this early church confession. The seven Articles of Faith that follow represent an interpretation and further development of, as well as a complement to, these creeds as they apply to the ministries, the sacraments, the teaching of the last things, as well as the relationship between the individual and society.
Catechism of the New Apostolic Church
In 2012, to coincide with the 150 year anniversary of the New Apostolic Church, a comprehensive description of our beliefs was published. The Catechism expresses fundamental convictions common to all Christians, but also sets forth the special features of the New Apostolic faith.
The Catechism is a fundamental reference work. It is a standard for New Apostolic faith life. The Catechsim does not answer all questions, however it provides a great deal of opportunity for dialogue and discussion about timely issues.
The Ten Commandments
God’s commandments are an expression of His love. Their purpose is to help human beings live in accordance with God’s will and in harmonious relationships with one another. The recognition of God’s love in His commandments leads human beings to fulfil them out of love toward Him and not out of fear of punishment.