The Western Pacific District is made up of many countries, cultures and races. This is reflected in our congregations, and we embrace these differences and the richness that it brings. The Christian faith is intended to be shared with all people.
In the New Apostolic Church the gospel of Christ is proclaimed and is fundamental to our teaching. This proclamation includes the call for believers to follow Jesus and His example, to love God above all else, and to love their neighbour as themselves (Mark 12:30-31). For all Christians, this means they are to treat others with respect and tolerance, regardless of their social background, age, language, or other differences.
Within its capacity and commission, the Church as an institution helps to promote the common good, thus functioning as an integral part of society. The New Apostolic Church stands for universal peace, appeals for reconciliation, and promotes forgiveness. It rejects all forms of violence. The Church does not influence its members concerning their political opinions or activities.