God invites all people to believe: old and young, rich and poor, sick and healthy.
Anyone who professes the New Apostolic teaching can become a member of the New Apostolic Church. Membership commences upon receiving of the sacrament of Holy Sealing. Members are expected to conduct their lives in accordance with the doctrine of Christ. They are entitled to participate in all religious acts intended for them, as well as spiritual care.
Fellowship among those who believe is an important component of our teaching. Many New Apostolic Christians attend divine services when they are on holiday or business trips, and feel at home in the various congregations.
There are many ways in which each person can contribute to the life of the congregation. Many members volunteer to participate in church activities in their spare time. This includes singing in choirs and playing instruments in the divine services, teaching children in Sunday School, religious instruction and confirmation classes, supporting the youth, and caring for our elderly, handicapped and sick members.
All members of the New Apostolic Church have the right to individual pastoral care. This includes personal conversations about questions of faith, as well as support in particular situations of life. Our pastoral care also includes visiting the sick and aged members in hospitals and nursing homes. The objective of pastoral care is to accompany and support believers on their spiritual journey, as well as in their daily lives.
All members can perform pastoral care for others. This can take the form of visits to the sick or bereaved, various levels of Church instruction, or work among the youth and seniors
All activities in the New Apostolic Church are done voluntarily, with inner conviction – and all to the glory of God!
New Apostolic Christians address each other as “brother” and “sister”, which is an expression of the inner connection they feel with one another.