In situations of urgent need when human beings are confronted with seemingly insurmountable problems, they call out to a mighty God. “Lord, help!” – Such is the content of their prayers in uncertain times. I am reminded of a Bible passage from Exodus 14:14 that really speaks to the point: “The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” At the time, the question was about which path the people of Israel should take through the desert: in front of them lay seemingly insurmountable obstacles – and behind them the Egyptian army of an angry Pharaoh. The Israelites gave in to panic and cried out to God. Moses told them what they were to do: “Trust in God and be calm! If He is on our side, nothing can happen to us!” And as we learn from this account, the Lord did indeed intervene – in an unexpected and very effective manner – in order to deliver His people.
We too are at times confronted with difficult situations. At such times the Holy Spirit calls upon us not to panic or blame God for our misery. Instead, He reminds us that God is the one who will deliver us! Soon He will deliver us – in unprecedented fashion – by sending us His Son to take us to Himself! Together with His Apostles, Jesus will see to it that His bride is ready for His return. For this reason, let us keep calm in temptations, trust in God, and prepare ourselves in prayer for the great moment of our rapture.
Again and again, we also experience times when things go well for us. At such moments let us come to the Lord to praise and glorify Him because we know that we owe all the good things we have to His grace. We enjoy the joy and happiness that God grants us. Let us also prepare ourselves in prayer for the return of Christ in such good moments of our lives, and let us not forget that God desires to grant us something even more beautiful: eternal fellowship with Him!
Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider