In a few short weeks we will celebrate Thanksgiving, and we can already use the days ahead to prepare for this event. We are pleased to share the altar decorations from last year, from many of the congregations in our Western Pacific district. 2022 Altar decorations
Pentecost 2023
On Sunday, 28 May, Chief Apostle Schneider will conduct the Pentecost divine service from the Tafelsig church in South Africa. This is the largest New Apostolic church building worldwide, with a seating capacity of more than 4,000. The Chief Apostle is accompanied by...
Giving thanks
As we look towards the celebration of Thanksgiving, we are reminded that the past couple of years have presented us all with a variety of challenges. For some, this has meant long periods of time where they have been unable to gather in our churches. For others,...
50th Jubilee in Box Hill, Victoria
The first divine services in Melbourne were conducted in the Footscray area in the early 1950’s. As more migrants arrived, and the membership grew, a mission was established in the suburb of Mitcham, located on the other side of the city. Subsequently, services were...
Korea celebrates a Golden Jubilee
In early 1970, Priest Herbert Pache and his wife Joan moved from Canada to Japan to support the beginnings of the church in this country. At the time, this mission area came under the care of District Apostle Michael Kraus of Canada. At the time, an American naval...
A divine service with our Chief Apostle
Early in 2020, District Apostle Schulte wrote to the congregations in the Western Pacific District to advise that the Chief Apostle had indicated his intention to visit our district in May, 2021. Of course, at that time the COVID-19 pandemic was only just beginning to...
A Christmas concert
Some weeks ago a letter was sent to all members in the Western Pacific district, with an invitation to participate in a virtual Christmas concert. An overwhelming response followed, with over 50 videos submitted. Now, after many hours of behind-the-scenes planning,...
Silver jubilee in Hobart, Tasmania
On Sunday 6th December 2020, the Hobart congregation celebrated 25 years of worship in the current church building. The congregation has been in existence for more than 60 years. For more than 30 years the congregation was housed in many different locations. Hobart...
The season of Advent
For most communities around the world, it’s a most wonderful time of the year. From staunch Christians to agnostics as well as others, this time of expectation signifies meaningful participation in sharing and goodwill for all. Bright coloured flashing lights,...
Nearer, My God, to Thee
A large part of the New Apostolic identity centres around the inclusion of music during our divine services. During the COVID-19 pandemic, our ability to sing and play music has been restricted, leading us to innovate and discover new ways of performing together. The...
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