NAC CovidSafe Plan

Jul 2, 2020 | Covid-19

We thank our Heavenly Father for His blessings, and the good management by the governments and medical authorities in our region through this dreadful international pandemic. In turn, we welcome the easing of restrictions for religious gatherings. This suggests that the spread of the coronavirus is under control in our region.

We wish to provide an environment in which all members and visitors will feel safe, respected, cared for, and welcomed, as we progress through the restrictions and eventually return to a normal way of life again.

In practice we must adopt some basic principles for all divine services.


For the wellbeing of all within our congregations, please do not attend divine services if you are experiencing any symptoms of illness, mild or otherwise. Please advise your minister in order for them to provide spiritual care for you. You can continue to attend the online services as you are doing currently.

Recording of Attendance:

We are required by law to record the contact details of all who attend and participate in our church’s activities. The name and contact details of each attendee (email address or phone number) will be collected to allow tracing of persons should there be an outbreak of COVID-19. This list will be kept securely by our church representatives and will only be used for the purpose of COVID-19 contact tracing, should this become necessary.

Maximum numbers:

For all gatherings, the maximum number of people in our places of worship is limited to one (1) person for every 4 square metres.  We must also exercise physical distancing of 1.5 metres between people at any time. Seating arrangements and arrangements for sacrament procedures will take this into account.

The maximum number of attendees has been determined by the ministers in your respective congregations. There may be room for a small number of people in other rooms, which the doorkeeper will advise you of. However, if these rooms are also at legal capacity then it will be necessary to log into the online service.

Hand washing:

Hand sanitiser and hand washing facilities are available in all our gathering venues. All are required to wash or sanitise their hands upon entry and before leaving the congregation environment.

Ministers will especially give a lot of extra attention to hand hygiene. This includes the application of hand sanitiser before and after serving Holy Communion.


As singing has been identified as a major risk factor for the spread of coronavirus, no singing will occur in our congregations at this stage. The threefold Amen chorus at the conclusion of the divine service will also not be sung.

Physical contact:

In the interest of the wellbeing of all, we will refrain from hand shaking, embracing, hugging or kissing when greeting each other.


Additional cleaning of church facilities to comply with government regulations has been organised.

As the restrictions in each government area may ease at different times, rectors will be kept updated with any changes that occur. These will then be implemented as necessary. At all times the directives given by each government area are to be followed.

We look forward to the fellowship of our congregations and continue to pray for God’s blessings upon the work of our governments and medical authorities. We also pray for all people worldwide during this unprecedented time.

Further information:

New Zealand

Australian State Governments:
Queensland  –
New South Wales –
Australian Capital Territory –
Victoria –
Tasmania –
South Australia –
Western Australia –
Northern Territory –