Anyone who trains for a trade or studies for a profession has to sit final exams. The examinees do not have to be perfect and pass with distinction, earning a summa cum laude, but it should be evident that they are capable of handling their chosen profession without any problems.
As those who have been reborn, we are also going through a kind of vocational training. We have been called to rule together with Jesus Christ in His kingdom of peace as the royal priesthood and to proclaim the gospel to the people. We are being prepared for this in the divine services. In everyday life – the practical part – we are to put into practice what we hear in the services, follow Christ, and serve Him and our neighbour, and share the gospel. When Jesus returns, He will test us and take those along, who are ready to carry out their calling as part of the royal priesthood in the thousand-year kingdom of peace. We do not have to be perfect, nor can we attain perfection by then, but it should be apparent that we are capable of handling the task with God’s help.
Fortunately, we have a Master who is always there to help us. When He sees our efforts, He will grant us His grace and will gladly add what is still lacking in the end.
Food for thought from a divine service by the Chief Apostle