Early in 2020, District Apostle Schulte wrote to the congregations in the Western Pacific District to advise that the Chief Apostle had indicated his intention to visit our district in May, 2021. Of course, at that time the COVID-19 pandemic was only just beginning to be recognised and there was no way yet of knowing the severe and ongoing restrictions that this would bring to every corner of the globe.
As a result of the continuing lockdowns and border closures we now know that it will still be some time before gloabl travel is restored. However, the pandemic has provided us with an opportunity to remain connected in different, and sometimes innovative, ways.
On Sunday, 2 May, the Chief Apostle Schneider was scheduled to conduct a service in Sydney, Australia. However, he will still be in our midst, albeit via a transmission to our district. During this service he will celebrate Holy Communion with us. The transmission will be available in our churches in Australia and New Zealand, where we can gather together and feel the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, and our brothers and sisters. For those members who are unable to gather in our churches, the service can be viewed online.
The divine service will commence at the following times. Streaming, with live pictures, will occur approximately 15 minutes prior:
5.00pm AEST (Queensland / New South Wales / Victoria / Tasmania)
4.30pm ACST (Northern Territory / South Australia)
3.00pm AWST (Western Australia)
7.00pm NZST (New Zealand)
Wishing everyone a blessed preparation for this event, and we pray that all receive a good connection to the divine service.